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Writer's pictureKaren Ferguson

The Passive Aggressiveness of People Who Claim "I Say It How It Is”

Passive-aggressive behaviour can be both frustrating and confusing to deal with. Some individuals often hide behind the statement, "I say it how it is," using it as a shield to justify their passive-aggressive tendencies. This behaviour can undermine relationships, create tension, and hinder effective communication. In this article, we will delve into the passive aggressiveness of people who claim to be straightforward, exploring its underlying dynamics and providing insights on how to navigate such interactions.

Understanding Passive Aggressive Behaviour

Passive-aggressive behaviour refers to indirect expressions of hostility or frustration, often characterised by subtle or covert actions. It involves avoiding direct confrontation and expressing negative feelings through indirect means, such as sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or intentionally withholding information. People who claim to be straightforward may engage in this behaviour, believing that it allows them to express their opinions without taking direct responsibility for their actions.

The Mask of "I Say It How It Is”

Individuals who hide behind the statement, "I say it how it is," may use it as a defence mechanism or a way to avoid accountability for their passive-aggressive behaviour. By asserting their supposed honesty, they may feel entitled to express their opinions without considering the impact on others or taking responsibility for the passive-aggressive undertones of their communication.

The Impact of Passive Aggressiveness

Passive-aggressive behaviour can have significant negative consequences in personal and professional relationships. It erodes trust, creates tension, and fosters an unhealthy communication dynamic. The passive aggressiveness of individuals who claim to be straightforward often leads to confusion, as their words and actions don't align. This can create a toxic and challenging environment for open and honest communication.

Unveiling the Motives

The motives behind passive-aggressive behaviour can vary from person to person. Some individuals may resort to this behaviour as a defence mechanism to protect themselves from direct confrontation or potential conflict. Others may use it as a means to assert control or manipulate others without overtly acknowledging their intentions. Understanding these motives can provide insight into the underlying dynamics of passive-aggressive behaviour.

Navigating Interactions with Passive-Aggressive Individuals

When dealing with passive-aggressive individuals who claim to be straightforward, it's essential to approach interactions with empathy, assertiveness, and clear communication. Here are some strategies to navigate such situations effectively:

1. Recognise the Behaviour: Be aware of passive-aggressive patterns, such as subtle jabs, sarcasm, or avoidance of direct communication. By recognising these behaviours, you can respond appropriately and avoid getting caught in a cycle of frustration.

2. Address the Behaviour: Calmly and assertively address the passive-aggressive behaviour. Express your concerns, emphasising the impact their words or actions have on you or the relationship. Encourage open dialogue to foster understanding and resolution.

3. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries by communicating your expectations regarding respectful and direct communication. Let them know that passive-aggressive behaviour is not conducive to healthy relationships, and you prefer open and honest dialogue.

4. Encourage Direct Communication: Encourage the individual to express their thoughts and feelings directly rather than relying on passive-aggressive tactics. Promote an environment where open and constructive communication is valued and encouraged.

5. Practise Active Listening: When engaging in conversations, practise active listening to ensure you understand their perspective. This can help uncover any underlying issues or insecurities that may be driving their passive-aggressive behaviour.

6. Seek Mediation if Needed: If the passive-aggressive behaviour persists and negatively impacts the relationship, consider seeking professional mediation or counselling to facilitate productive communication and conflict resolution.

7. Focus on Self-Care: Dealing with passive-aggressive individuals can be emotionally draining. Prioritise self-care and engage in activities that promote your well-being, such as exercise, mindfulness, or spending time with supportive friends and family.


Dealing with the passive aggressiveness of people who claim "I say it how it is" can be challenging. Recognising the underlying dynamics of this behaviour, understanding the impact it has on relationships, and adopting effective communication strategies can help navigate such interactions with greater empathy and assertiveness. By fostering an environment of open dialogue and mutual respect, we can work towards healthier and more authentic connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can passive-aggressive behaviour be changed?

Yes, with self-awareness, willingness, and effort, individuals can work on modifying their passive-aggressive behaviour. However, it often requires a genuine desire to change and a commitment to developing healthier communication patterns.

2. How can I protect myself from the negative effects of passive-aggressive behaviour?

Setting clear boundaries, addressing the behaviour assertively, and prioritising self-care are essential in protecting yourself from the negative effects of passive-aggressive behaviour. Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can also provide the necessary emotional reinforcement.

3. Can passive-aggressive behaviour indicate deeper underlying issues?

Yes, passive-aggressive behaviour can be indicative of underlying unresolved conflicts, insecurities, or unexpressed emotions. It may be helpful to encourage the individual to explore these underlying issues and consider seeking professional support if needed.

4. How can I avoid engaging in passive-aggressive behaviour myself?

Practising self-awareness, open communication, and assertiveness are key to avoiding passive-aggressive behaviour. Express your thoughts and feelings directly, address conflicts promptly, and actively listen to others' perspectives.

5. Can passive-aggressive behaviour be a result of learned behaviour?

Yes, passive-aggressive behaviour can be learned from early life experiences or modelled behaviour. However, it is possible to unlearn these patterns through self-reflection, personal growth, and adopting healthier communication strategies.

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